
We use the latest technologies to solve today’s staffing challenges. By combining process automation with high-touch services, we deliver better results, faster – and at a lower cost.

Leverage our VMS and MSP experience to ease large-scale staffing needs. Use Axelon to deploy more resources when demand increases.

Searching for talent? Axelon has millions of talented professionals in our database, and we refresh the active pool with thousands of new resumes every day. We also have the technology to identify candidates with the best-matching skills – even for those tough-to-find skills.

Founded in 1977, Axelon has a proven track record in the staffing industry, leveraging more than three decades of experience. Since our inception and throughout our history, Axelon has invested heavily in our human capital technology to position itself as a leading performer in staffing.

Patented search tools ensure we work on high-quality candidates that closely match your criteria. We don’t waste time with poor matches.

As a woman-owned business certified by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council and other leading organizations, Axelon can help you meet your diversity objectives. Visit our Diversity page to learn more.

With Axelon, you’ll never have to worry about filling the toughest jobs. We work 100% of the job requirements we get in the scope of our service agreement. We mandate among our teams and within our processes to never abandon a validated requirement until it is filled.

Never content to maintain the status quo, Axelon has developed systems, processes and software to maximize process automation for cost control. We continuously accumulate candidate resumes to cover a wider array of job requirements, leverage cutting-edge technologies to identify the best candidate profiles quickly, and deploy training programs to help us improve our performance and expertise.

Adjust your workforce to with the demand for flexible contingent resources. Our peerless tools and time-proven techniques for searching, securing, screening and submitting will shrink your staffing cycle and deliver quality candidates faster.

From onboarding to background checks to payroll administration Axelon handles it all so you can focus on business:
Business & Technical Staff Augmentation
Customized Project Solutions
Consulting Services
Direct Hire
Workforce Management Solutions

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