During Work Process

Paperless on-boarding program

  • We have developed both processes and implemented an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) that enable recruiters to on-board all contractors electronically.
  • We store all data in a paperless, digital, secure format.
  • We allow contractors to upload necessary documents online and through apps.

E-procurement with customers

  • We procure all of our clients with a paper-free process.
  • We offer all our clients a paperless invoice system. Billing is automated seamlessly from timesheets to electronic approvals from Clients, and no invoice is issued.

Online Application Process

  • Applicants can apply for positions through a web portal, ensuring a paper-free process.
  • Our recruiters acquire profiles from applicants in an exclusively electronic format.

Recycling Initiatives

  • Our offices are equipped with small garbage bins to serve for compost only and are situated by larger garbage bins used for paper only.
  • Our employees are required to deposit aluminum cans and plastic bottles in a dedicated recycling bin centrally located in the office cafeteria.
  • Our employees are encouraged to bring their mugs, plates and cutlery to reduce the use of paper and plastic. Storage space for these items is available for all employees.
  • All print cartridges are recycled after use.
  • A recycling bin for plastic materials is labeled accordingly and centrally located in our offices.
  • Our back-office employees print necessary reports front-and-back to minimize the consumption of paper.

Main fax line is paperless

  • Our main office fax line has been converted into an electronic solution, where fax received are directly registered digitally and forwarded via emails.

Energy-saving Initiatives

  • We enforce a policy to switch off lights and computers that are not necessary during and after work hours.
  • In the very near future, we will implement movement sensors to ensure lights automatically shut off when there is no one in the room.
  • All windows in our offices are equipped with shades to minimize the need for A/C during summer months.
  • We selected our current office locations in a building that shuts downs elevators during hot months to reduce the energy consumption.
  • Our offices utilize energy-efficient lighting.

Electronic paycheck and payroll program

  • More than 90% of our employees are paid electronically, through direct deposit.

Carbon Footprint Reduction Initiatives

  • Our offices are equipped with small garbage bins to serve for compost only and are situated by larger garbage bins used for paper only.
  • Our employees are required to deposit aluminum cans and plastic bottles in a dedicated recycling bin centrally located in the office cafeteria.
  • Our employees are encouraged to bring their mugs, plates and cutlery to reduce the use of paper and plastic. Storage space for these items is available for all employees.
  • All print cartridges are recycled after use.
  • A recycling bin for plastic materials is labeled accordingly and centrally located in our offices.
  • Our back-office employees print necessary reports front-and-back to minimize the consumption of paper.

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